Choosing the Right Popup Stand – Fitting the Needs of Your Business

There’s really nothing quite like an impressive display stand to show-off exactly who you are and what you do as a brand. The vast majority of consumers are powerless to resist the allure of a well-presented display of the highest quality – all you as a brand have to do is make sure it delivers the right message.

Technically speaking, that’s not entirely true as while the content of the board will of course be of the utmost importance, so too will be the type and specification of board chosen. It might seem like a confusing job given the vast range on offer, but each and every model across the board has been designed with a specific purpose in mind and therefore guarantees there’s something in there to fit your own needs pretty perfectly.

Standard Popup Stands

For example, our standard popup stands are available in a variety of sizes ranging from 3440mm in width to just 1240mm. In the case of the latter, these ultra-compact pop-up stands are absolutely outstanding for use in areas where space is at a premium and maximum impact is required. They are relatively small in size compared to custom built stands but impossible to overlook. The use of bright and eye-catching text and graphics is vital and with the display taking up very little floor space it makes it ideal for small businesses and any other instances where space is limited.

3x4 Straight Popup Display

Popup Stands with Integrated TV Monitors

There’s nothing quite like mixing up the media a little bit when it comes to not only capturing the attention of your target market, but holding onto it for long enough to make an impact. This can be achieved with ease by using a popup stand that features an integrated monitor or TV. Offering support for a wide range of screen sizes up to a huge 50-inch flat screen panel, the difference a little technology can make to the impact of any display stand is truly extraordinary.

Exhibition Popup Stand with TV

L-Shaped and Corner Stands

One of the very best ways of making the most of all available space when attending an exhibition or trade show is to consider investing in an L-shaped popup stand. In doing so, you vastly extend the space you have to work with and thus can add even greater depth of content to your graphics, without overstepping the space allocated to you. What’s more, L-shaped and corner stands look uniquely inviting and create something of an enclosed area in which to work, which helps make your stand feel less like a stand and more like an office. These unique systems work best with corner booths and are competitively priced for the area covered.

L-shaped Popup Stand

Popup Stands with Integrated iPad Holders

Going one step further, there’s always the option of investing in a popup stand with integrated iPad support. While a large display screen will always be a winner, the same too can be said for a popup stand that is not only attractive, but interactive. With a couple of iPads stands in place, your target audience will be able to find out so much more about your brand and what you do – a quick fondle with gadgets like these is often too tempting to pass up!

Exhibition Bundles

Still on the subject of expos, it’s more than worth considering investing in a comprehensive exhibition bundle. The reason being that it often takes more than just a single popup stand or popup banner to create an attractive and enticing image for your brand – throw into the mix literature holders, a coordinating desk and perhaps one of two smaller popup banners and you have yourself all the tools needed to really let your brand speak for itself.

Fabric Hop Stands

If you’re looking for the easiest, lightest, fastest and most convenient stands of all for displaying your brand’s message, our fabric hop stands hit every nail on the head. Wonderfully compact, lightweight and easy to fold out into a large and highly-professional banner in a matter of seconds, they’re one of our best-selling lines of all and offer supreme value for money.  

Pull-Up Banners

And then of course there are our simple pull-up banners which are just the ticket for transforming anywhere you happen to be into your very own mini-expo or promo event. Used along or as a means by which to compliment a larger display board or combination thereof, these incredibly compact banners are uniquely versatile and easy to use. What’s more, despite being exceptionally low in price they are also high-quality enough to do your brand and the products or services you offer full justice.

With so many options to choose from why not call our experienced sales team today for more help and advice.

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